Developing with Partners
We have developed innovative apps for third party partners designed to support those living with dementia and their caregivers.
The ACT Programme
Anticipatory Care Tool - ACT
ACT, which stands for Anticipatory Care Tool, is the product of a research project at University for the Creative Arts funded by Innovate UK in their Zinc Catalyst Healthy Ageing strand. It began in 2023 and is led by two UCA academics, Dr Harry Whalley and Mark Brill.
Although anticipatory care is widely understood, and is included in the NHS Long Term Plan, the technique is often informal, especially where it involves family carers, non-clinical carers, or other professionals supporting with people living with dementia. Our aim with ACT, was to build a simple tool that was easy to use and accessible for anyone who came into regular contact with older adults, especially those living with dementia.
1 in 4 hospital beds occupied by dementia patients (Lakey, 2019) and of those, 20% can be prevented if changes in wellbeing are spotted early enough (UK Gov, 2015 updated 2019). Studies have found that anticipatory care can reduce unscheduled hospital admissions for older adults (Baker et al., 2012), which gives a saving £2912 per person on average (Leckcivilize et al., 2021). It’s not just about saving money though. Older adults tend to stay in hospital for longer, 20 days on average, which leads to issues of bed blocking and it also disrupts the continuity of care at home.
At the core of ACT are 16 observational questions split into four sections that cover physical health, wellbeing, behavioural and cognitive questions. The 16 questions are the result of research that considered 8 different professional tools, as follows:
Six-item Cognitive Impairment Test (6CIT)
Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination-III (ACE-III)
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA)
NHS Dementia Diagnosis Toolkit
GST-4 Gait Speed Test
Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS)
Scottish Patients at Risk of Readmission and Admission (SPARRA)
Using this range of tools, the Research Team mapped the similarities and differences to identify the most important elements of the observation tool. Additionally, and as part of a co-design approach, workshops and interviews were carried out with Memory Matters in Plymouth and Lifecare in Edinburgh to further understand how effective observations could be made.

Click on the logo to visit www.anticipatry.care
COGS Therapy
The COGS Therapy App provides person-centred cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) to those living with all stages of dementia.
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) is a non-pharmacological intervention that has been shown to improve cognitive function in individuals with dementia. The COGS app is specifically for people living with dementia and offers cognitive stimulation exercises in a convenient and user-friendly format. The app also has the ability to be used by facilitators to run group CST using a zoom interface, or by those affected by dementia independently.
COGS’ exercises are based on the principles of CST, which aims to engage individuals in meaningful activities that stimulate their cognitive function. The exercises are designed to be fun and engaging, with activities ranging from word games and puzzles to music therapy and reminiscence activities.
One of the benefits of using the app is that it can be used in the comfort of the user’s home, eliminating the need for regular visits to a therapist, or memory service. The app’s accessibility and convenience make it an excellent tool for individuals who may have mobility or transportation issues.
Full 14-week CST programme
Session Planner, invites and reminders
Over 60 Activities to select from
Zoom integration
Songs and sounds

A MUSIC CARE app that fits in your pocket
MUSIC CARE CONNECT™ puts over 800 purposely designed songs, videos, and activities at your fingertips to create and use personalised music care programs, anytime, anywhere

Enhance Caregiving with Moments of Joy
Music improves mood, and reduces the impact of anxiety and agitation. These benefits are felt by those being cared for, and their caregivers!
Memory Tracks Ltd
Empowering care through music and technology.
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